Gather 'Round

Greenville is a restaurant town. That’s the tasty news.

The problem has been, it's a town of either fast food restaurants or high end restaurants, leaving a a gaping hole for those with 10 or 20 bucks to spend.

Up until now, you’ve had plenty of choices if you’re mood called for infrared-heated burgers served with packets of ketchup and mayo, or 50 buck steaks served with baked potatoes for another 6 bucks.

There’s been a gap. But it’s about to get filled like a 12 year old on his 3rd milkshake.

Gather GVL is coming soon, with delicious burgers, chicken and waffles, pizza inspired by the Romans rather than a corporate office in Louisville, amazing beers, all sorts of affordable, crafty stuff that will make your mouth water and keep your wallet from crying. Gather GVL is all about local, unique, meticulously made comestibles, all served in a welcoming, comfortable, sustainable, and appetizing environment that is being referred to as Greenville's kitchen table.

Pretty cool.

Let us know what kinds of food or drink you’d like to see at Gather GVL. We’re open to suggestions and would love to hear from you.

Stay tuned for a progress report. And for crying out loud, stop drooling. You’re too old for that.